Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The costs and benefits of incurring an annual federal budget deficit

The costs and benefits of incurring an annual federal budget deficit Federal budget deficit occurs when the government expenditure exceeds the government income through revenue in a fiscal year. For instance, the last year the US federal deficit was $ 1.57 trillion, and this year, it is estimated to come to $1.267 trillion (Amadeo 2).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The costs and benefits of incurring an annual federal budget deficit specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The problem with this deficit is that every year, it is added to the already existing Federal Debt which currently stands at over $ 14 trillion. Two thirds of this Federal Debt is the money owed by the federal government to the public, private companies and even foreign governments who bought treasury bills, notes and even bonds. The remaining third is money owed by the federal government to itself in the form of government account securities usually from trust funds, thus, they are to be paid back after a certain period of time, when the baby boomers retire (Chantrill 8). There are several consequences that arise as a result of federal budget deficit which must be explored keenly to establish the dangers that lie ahead. Every fiscal year, the budget is bound to go one way or another. There can be a deficit one year, and the following year, the state may enjoy a budget surplus. However, in the US federal budget, surplus has been elusive. For instance, between the years 1929 and 1969, the federal budget recorded a surplus only nine times, and it had never happened for three consecutive years at one time (Cashell 5). First, the federal budget fails to distinguish between operating and capital expenditures. Operating expenditures are those incurred in running government and funding the services it provides; capital expenditures relate to purchases of long lived buildings and equipment, and include expenditures on infrastructure. The failure to distinguish these types of expenditures is at odds with accepted accounting practice, and is at odds with the accounting practices adopted by corporate America. It amounts to claiming that expenditures on roads and buildings are equivalent to consumption, and that these assets are fully used up in the year they are purchased. The result is to overstate spending, and give government an air of profligacy. If capital expenditures were appropriately capitalized, both government expenditures and the deficit would be lower (Palley 4). Figure 1 and table 1 below show the budget deficit over the years. The table 1 elaborates the federal deficits in figures between the year 2000 and the projected deficit up to the year 2016.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Figure 1 Source: usgovernmentspending .com Table 1 Federal Deficit Fiscal Years 2000 to 2016 Year GDP-US $ billion Federal Deficit -fed pct GDP 2 000 9884.17 -2.39 a 2001 10218 -1.25 a 2002 10572.4 1.49 a 2003 11067.8 3.41 a 2004 11788.9 3.50 a 2005 12554.5 2.54 a 2006 13310.9 1.87 a 2007 13969.3 1.15 a 2008 14270.5 3.21 a 2009 14014.8 10.08 a 2010 14551.8 8.89 a 2011 15079.6 8.61 a 2012 15812.5 6.96 b 2013 16752.4 4.58 b 2014 17782.2 3.62 b 2015 18804.1 3.23 b Source: usgovernmentspending .com From a position of near budget balance in 1970, the budget went into deficit. In part because of an economic contraction beginning in late 1973 and ending in early1975, the surplus fell to -4.2% (in other words, a deficit equal to 4.2%) of GDP in1976. Another economic downturn began in mid-1981 and ended in late 1982 contributing to another drop in the surplus, to -6% of GDP in 1983. Since then, with a brief reversal attributable to an economic contraction in 1990 and 1991, the surplus increased steadily until 2000. In FY2001, the surplus fell from 2.4% of GDP the previous year to 1.3% of GDP. In 2002, there was a budget deficit (a negative surplus) of 1.5% of GDP and by FY2004 it had reached 3.6% of GDP. While the budget has clearly been influenced by changing economic conditions there nevertheless appeared to be a tendency towards smaller and smaller surpluses (at the time they were characterized as increasing deficits, which is the same thing) between1970 and 1983. Through 2000, that trend had been reversed, but over each of the next four years the surplus declined (Cashell 5).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The costs and benefits of incurring an annual federal budget deficit specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Deficit spending increases the debt of the country every year. The argument put forward it is that deficit spending would help to increase the economic growth which is partially true in the short term, especially in times of recession like it has been experienced in the last three years . Ho wever the final result of deficit spending is never pleasant as the economy experiences a lot of damage due to the interest rates that have to be paid in the long run. This interest is added to the debt every year, actually about 5% of the budget every year goes to interest payments. For instance, in 2009, the interest accrued amounted to $383 billion which had actually reduced from $451 billion only due to lower interest rates at the time in the fiscal year 2008. Sadly, it is predicted that the figure will be four times larger in the year 2020 which is estimated to $840 billion (Amadeo 3). When this happens, the creditors will start doubting the ability of the government to repay the loans and, hence, will look at it as a great risk. As a result, they will be justified to ask for greater returns in terms of increased interest rates which will cost the government even more money and slow down the economy. Other measures to counter the problem have proved futile due to various econom ic back lashes. For example, an attempt by the government to let the value of the dollar dip so as to lower the amount of debt payable backfires since investors become less willing to purchase the treasury bonds at the same time (Cashell 6). By borrowing from the social security fund, the government shoots itself in the foot. This is in the view that paying the debt would be an uphill task when the time finally comes since the government is forced to borrow from the same kitty every year. The consequences of this are that borrowing from the social security would be stopped and considered that this accounts for more than a third of the deficit which would be great to blow to the government. Evidently, this would slow down the very economy that gets a boost from deficit spending (Cashell 7). Once, Thomas Jefferson said that I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers lo ad us with perpetual debt (Forbes.com, 6). What he wanted to illustrate is the fact that running a balanced budget had more advantages than running a deficit spending.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Several factors support this saying since balance budgeting is within the reach of federal government. In the year 1998, the budget office of the US congressional forecasted shows the federal budget to be in effective balance, with a projected deficit of just $5 billion this year- a trivial percentage of an estimated $8.5 trillion gross domestic product (Forbes.com 5). What followed that is that the government was able to balance the budget without causing any negative complication. One measure economists use to assess fiscal policy is the structural, or standardized-employment, budget. This measure estimates, at a given time, what outlays, receipts, and the surplus or deficit would be if the economy were at full employment.5 It is a way of separating changes in the budget totals that are due to changes in overall economic conditions from those changes that are the result of deliberate changes in tax and spending policy. Changes in the standardized-employment surplus reflect changes in policy and are not affected by variations in underlying economic conditions. For example, if the economy is less than fully employed, then the standardized measure of outlays is less than actual outlays, standardized receipts are higher than actual receipts, and the standardized budget deficit would be smaller than the actual deficit. Economists track the standardized-employment surplus as a percentage of potential GDP to assess if fiscal policy is simulative or contradicting. As the economy grows, outlays and receipts tend to rise as well. Comparing the budget to GDP filters out changes due to variations in the overall size of the economy. Potential GDP is an estimate of what the total value of production of goods and services would be if labor and capital resources were fully employed. Using potential GDP as a base for comparison avoids the problem of cyclical factors masking changes in fiscal policy. A decrease in the standardized budget deficit relative to potential GDP woul d be considered indicative of a contractionary fiscal policy. Similarly, an increase in the standardized budget deficit as a percentage of potential GDP would be indicative of a simulative fiscal policy (Cashell 8). Amadeo, Kimberly.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"How the U.S. Federal Debt and Deficit Differ and How They Affect Each  Other,† 2011. Web. Cashell, Brian W. â€Å"The Economics of the Federal Budget Deficit.† CRS Report for  Congress Journal, Vol 2, (2005) P12-13. Chantrill, Christopher. â€Å"US Government Spending History from 1900 US†, 2011. Web. Forbes.com. â€Å"Thoughts on the Business of Life†, 2011. Web.14 November 2011https://www.forbes.com/quotes/ Palley, Thomas. â€Å"The Sorry Politics of the Balanced Budget Amendment,†Ã‚  Challenge Journal, 40, May/June 1997, 5 13.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to get Your CDL in Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi

How to get Your CDL in Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi This article is useful for anyone who wants to get a CDL in Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi. If you want to learn about earning a CDL at other states, we have put together a comprehensive guide on how to get a commercial driver’s license in every state of the country. AlabamaBefore You Apply for Your CDL1. Get you  doctor to fill out  the current Department of Transportation Medical Examination Report (Form 649-F)2. Learn or review  the rules and regulations of commercial driving. You can study these in Alabama’s Commercial Driver License Manual.How to ApplyTake the following documents to your nearest Driver License Division office (make sure to research ahead for one that handles CDLs!):A current Alabama driver’s licenseA Social Security card or other proof of Social Security numberYour current DOT medical certificate (from above)Proof of insurance for the testing vehicle if you are taking the skills test$25 for the written test, $20 for the skills testL icense fees vary depending on your desired  class of license. Class A costs $66.25; Class B costs $56.25; Class Ccosts $36.25. If you are purchasing a CDL  or a license to operate only a school bus, the fee is $36.25.What to Expect When TestingFirst, on test day,  you will take one or more knowledge tests (which are written), depending on the license and endorsements you want.Then, if you pass the knowledge tests, you qualify to take the skills test (which is a driving test). Another option at this point is choosing to  be issued a learner’s license, which will allow you to practice driving  a rig with a licensed commercial driver in the passenger seat.When you feel   ready to take the on-road driving test, you can make another appointment at  the CDL licensing office.  The driving skills test includes: vehicle inspection (where you must  prove your vehicle’s safety and show your inspection skills), vehicle control (you will be asked to drive forward, backward, and in turns, in a small  area), and the actual driving test (this tests how well you know  Ã‚  signs, driving laws, and regulations).ArkansasBefore you take your certification exams, you must assess your driving record. If you have any serious offenses, like  DUI, you may be disqualified.The Knowledge TestsYou must pass the written knowledge test before you can take your road skills test. In order to familiarize yourself with the content of the exam, study the Arkansas  CDL Manual  to learn about driver safety, cargo safety, equipment, traffic rules, inspection procedures, and hazardous materials.To bring on test day:Documents that prove your age and identity$42, which is the fee for your CDLIf you haul hazardous materials, you will need to have federal  background and fingerprint check.The Road Skills TestAfter you have passed the written tests, you are ready for the road skills test.  On this test, you will be asked to perform driver tasks including pre-t rip inspections, changing lanes, tying down cargo, and maneuvering intersections.  The Arkansas CDL Manual review everything you will be tested on- review the criteria before test day so you are familiar with the tasks you will face.RequirementsYou must self-certify one of the following driving categories with the Arkansas DMV:Non-Excepted InterstateExcepted InterstateNon-Excepted IntrastateExcepted IntrastateIf you choose Non-Excepted Interstate, you must provide the DMV with a federal medical certificate.MississippiTo obtain a CDL in Mississippi, you must hold a  Regular Class R driver’s license. You must also obtain a current medical card when applying.Testing for the CDLNext stop is to take and pass the written and skills tests. All the information you need to know about the exam is in the Professional Driver’s Manual, which you can find at any  driver’s license office  throughout the state. You can schedule an appointment for the driving test either   online  or by phone.What You Must BringYour valid Mississippi driver’s license, a CDL learner’s permit, and your completed application for your desired CDLAnother driver to accompany you who holds the same class CDL license (or greater) as the one you seekA current medical cardThe same class of vehicle you will be driving once you obtain your CDL (it must pass inspection before any tests will be administered)A Social Security cardProof of residency (electric or water bill, lease agreement, vehicle-registration receipt, mortgage documents, homestead exemption receipt, bank statement, notarized employer verification on company letterhead (with a phone number) that states your address)Appropriate feesOut-of-state applicants applying for a Mississippi CDL can use their valid driver’s license from another stateNote: If your job entails hauling hazardous materials, you must undergo a background check. You will have to complete a  Driver’s License Hazard ous Materials Endorsement Application  and pay a fee.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 75

Assignment - Essay Example ticipation of clients on product trials includes compatibility with current use, complexity, relative advantage of the product, communicability, and divisibility. The Hot cider beverage offered by the business meets high compatibility and relative advantage factors of trail barriers allowing the business to offer sampling and product testing within the first two days. To induce trial, free samples will be available for the consumers resulting in no economic and experience cost to the customers allowing them to participate in the trial. Skimming will be used to ensure high market share is gained early during the launch stage, meet the market needs of the product but within the means to ensure the business is not priced out of the market. This will be compensated through the provision of excellent customer service, quality goods, and the best customer experience t the stall. Different measures will be used to stimulate repeat purchase in the market including ensuring the adequate supply at all times to meet anticipated repeat clients to avoid disappointing them. Offering quality customer service and being responsive to the needs of the customers coupled to the quality products will be the other measures that will be harnessed to ensure access of repeat customers. The other measure through which the business will ensure repeat customer is offering of long discounts to allow the consumers to have access to the products at slightly lower

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Strategic analysis of a company and its competitive environment Essay - 2

Strategic analysis of a company and its competitive environment - Essay Example The company capitalises in the distribution high quality, stylish and great value home products and clothing. The business is also popular in selling food products, fashioned clothes, gifts, and home furnishing. The company has also establishment in financial service segment. In addition to coming up with effective means that can support its development, the business success can also be linked to its affordable prices of its products. In addition, the business vision is to offer great quality value and services. The business popularity is largely enhanced by its quality products as well as its ability to distribute products that meets international standards. The current success of Marks & Spencer can also be attributed to its effective and operational management strategies as well as it reliable and affordable promotion strategies (Burns, 2008, p. 12). Internal Analysis of the Firm Political stability in United Kingdom has proved to be effective in facilitating the success of Marks & Spencer. However, the Iraq civil conflict largely affects the activities and operations in Marks & Spencer. This is owing to the fact that, the business has several branches in Iraq. The political changes in United Kingdom have also affected the activities and operations of the business. ... The existing social situation in United Kingdom has also changed the customer concept in the market. This has forced the company to figure out and come up with new fashions that will meet the interest of its customers. In addition, the price sensitivity has produced a more competitive environment. Although a good number of the business products are old fashioned, the company has adopted new strategies of increasing its sales with limited loss. The new technology has also been vital in communicating new products to its customers. The company is currently relying on online services to promote its products in new markets. The new technology is also useful in identifying products that can meet the demands of its customers. Just like any other business in global market, Marks & Spencer has also been significantly affected by global warming. To counter the impact of environmental challenges, the company has introduced mechanisms that could be used to advance business operations. For instan ce, the business has embarked on a mechanism that aims at recycling plastic products. Marks & Spencer also sell legally acceptable products to its customers. In addition, the business sells high quality products that meet the set international and local standards (King, 2007, p.21). Compared to other competitors in the market, Marks & Spencer competitive rivalry is high. Studies have confirmed that Marks & Spencer faces high rivalry in clothing sector from new entrance in the market. The company is also facing huge competition in food industry for Sainsbury and Tesco. The company bargaining power of buyers is also high. This is owing to the fact that other huge retailers in their area of coverage surround the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Eastern Orthodox Essay Example for Free

Eastern Orthodox Essay I. Origin The Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholicism were branches of the same body—the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church until 1054 AD, which is the date of the first major division and the beginning of â€Å"denominations† in Christianity. The Christian Church divided into two Churches, East and West. Both Churches believe that they are the original Church established by Jesus Christ and the Apostles, and they disapprove each other. The Church in the East added â€Å"orthodox†, which comes from the Greek word â€Å"orthodxia†, to show that they retain the original teachings and traditions. Every Church in the Eastern Orthodox system can trace their roots back to the five early Christianity center—the Roman Church, the Jerusalem Church, Antioch, the Alexandrian Church and the Church of Constantinople. Although all Orthodox Churches recognize the Patriarch of Constantinople as the ecumenical Patriarch and the supreme leader, the Churches are independent of each other in the mutual recognition of state instead of entirely united. Disagreements between the two branches of Christianity—Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholicism—had long existed even before the division, and increased throughout the first millennium. Their disputes include issues pertaining to the nature of the Holy Spirit, the use of icons in worship, and the correct date to celebrate Easter. Also, the Eastern mindset inclined more toward philosophy, mysticism and ideology. They reject rationalism, as they believe that unless God speaks out, humans can not know him through reason. The Western outlook guided more by a practical and legal mentality, a perfect example being the Summa Theologica by St. Thomas which successfully fused Aristotelian philosophy with ideology. The Catholics believe that humans can one day see the true body of the Lord through rationality. With these disputes worsening and the gaps widening, separation was inevitable. The slow process of it was encouraged in 330 AD when Emperor Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire to the city of Byzantium and called in Constantinople. After he died, the Roman empire was divided by his two sons into the Eastern portion, which was ruled from Constantinople, and the Western portion, which was ruled from Rome. The formal split took place in 1045 AD when Pope Leo IX, leader of the Roman Church at the time, excommunicated the Patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Cerularius, leader of the Eastern Church. Cerularius then condemned the Pope in mutual excommunication. Michael Cerularius was the Patriarch of Constantinople from 1043-1058 AD, and played a prominent role in the East-West Schism. In 1045 he wrote a letter to the Pope claiming the title â€Å"ecumenical patriarch† and addressing Pope Leo as â€Å"brother† rather than â€Å"father†. It can be argued that it was this letter that initiated the events which followed. At the time the two primary disputes were Rome’s claim to a universal papal supremacy and the adding of the word filioque to the Nicene Creed. Filioque is a Latin word which means â€Å"and from the Son†. By inserting it to the Nicene Creed during the 6th century, the phrase pertaining to the origin of the Holy Spirit â€Å"who proceeds from the Father† was changed to â€Å"who proceeds from the Father and the Son†. The change was made to emphasize Christ’s divinity, but was strongly objected by the Eastern Christians, as they not only opposed any alteration of anything by the first ecumenical council, but also disagreed with its new meaning. Eastern Christians believe that both the Holy Spirit and the Son have their origin in the Father. During the time of the Crusades beginning in 1095, Rome joined the East in fight against the Turks to defend the Holy Land. But by the end of the Forth Crusade in 1204, all hope for potential reconciliation between the two Churches was over as the hostility between them continued to worsen. The Eastern and Western Churches remain divided and separate until present day. II. Institutional Structure â€Å"The Orthodox Church is evangelical, but not Protestant. It is orthodox, but not Jewish. It is Catholic, but not Roman. It isn’t non-denominational—it is pre-denominational. It has believed, taught, preserved, defended and died for the Faith of the Apostles since the day of Pentecost 2000 years ago.†Ã¢â‚¬â€Steve Robinson The Orthodox Catholic Church is the second largest Christian Church in the world and the religious denomination of the majority of the population in Russia, Greece, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Cyprus. Orthodoxy plays a smaller role in a dozen other countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the U. S. It also consists of churches in scattered presence in other countries. The Orthodox Church has an Episcopal organizational structure where consecrated bishops are the chief ecclesiastical officers in each diocese and have the power to ordain priests. The Church believes in the Apostolic Succession, which means that the consecration of its bishops can be traced back to Jesus’ apostles. The Orthodox Church is composed of several self-governing ecclesial bodies, each geographically and nationally distinct but theologically unified. Each self-governing body, often but not always encompassing a nation, is shepherded by a Holy Synod whose duty, among other things, is to preserve and teach the apostolic and patristic traditions and related church practices. III. Basic Belief System In Orthodox history, events that have transformed the external appearance of the Orthodox world—the capture of Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem by Arab Muslims; the burning of Kiev by the Mongols; the two sacks of Constantinople; the October Revolution—have never broken the inward continuity of the Orthodox Church. The  greatest characterization of the Orthodox faith is its antiquity, its apparent changelessness, its continuity with the Apostolic Church and that it follows the faith and practices defined by the first seven Ecumenical Councils. For the Orthodox Christians, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity underlies all theology and spirituality. Salvation is personal and underlines particularity, yet also communal and implies sharing; there is a uniqueness and wholeness in the human person, in humanity and in creation. It is also on the doctrine of the Holy Trinity that the councilor and hierarchical structure of the Orthodox Church rests. The mystery of the Trinity is revealed in the supreme act of love, the Incarnation of the divine â€Å"Word that became flesh†, assuming and healing humanity and creation entirely. Participation in the defied humanity of Jesus Christ is the ultimate goal of the Christian life, accomplished through the Holy Spirit. In the seven Sacraments and in the life of the Church, each person is called to theosis or deification, for â€Å"God became human in order that humanity might be divinized†. When expressing these beliefs, the Orthodox look for consistency with Scripture and Tradition, as manifested in the life of the Church and the early Church Fathers, but will search also for new formulations of this tradition. External criteria of truth are lacking; for Orthodox Christians seek the living experience of truth accessible in the communion of Saints. Thus they are reluctant to define matters of faith with too much precision, in the firm conviction that truth is never exhausted. The apophatic or   negative approach safeguards the transcendence of God even while designating His immanence; it also affirms the uniqueness of each person—divine and human—that they may never be reduced to anything less than a mystery. Integral to the long history and tradition of the Orthodox Christian faith are the Icons, which further reflect the divine glory and beauty. The Incarnation of Christ implies that God became fully human and therefore accessible and describable. God is not only understood but, at the Incarnation, is looked upon and seen. An Orthodox Church is, therefore, filled with icons invariably depicting Christ or the Saints of the Church, and an Orthodox Christian kisses and assigns veneration to those depicted by them. Icons are never worshiped, and they are the Christian faith and histories depicted in images and constitute part of the transfigured cosmos. Today people tend to think of the Orthodox Church as a vast, world-wide institution. Yet the concept of universality as expressed in the local community is a fundamental principle of Orthodox doctrine. Each local Eucharist gathering is related on the principle of identity. IV. Morality Eastern Orthodoxy does not differ from the larger Christian principles of moral thought and action in any way, but does offer a unique view on Christianitys promised redemption. It teaches a doctrine of theosis, or unity with God, which is a kind of deification that is available to all. The Orthodox doctrine of theosis is grounded in several key New Testiment scriptures. In the epistles of Paul, he repeatedly describes the Christian life as life â€Å"in Christ.† In the Gospel of John, Jesus prayed, â€Å"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me† (John 17:20-21). The idea of this mutual indwelling, God in us and we in God, is a constant theme in John’s Gospel. In the Second Letter of Peter he says, â€Å"Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires† (2 Peter 1:4) The goal of the Christian life, and its expected outcome, is to partake in the divine nature. This is theosis, or deification, and the idea merits special discussion so that its meaning is not distorted. The hoped-for mystical union between God and human is a true union, but it is a union with God’s energies, not the divine essence. Humans remain fully human and distinct from God. But they become perfected in grace, so that every element of ego and selfishness disappears and they are able to reflect the divine light. Few Christians will experience theosis before the Day of Judgment, but on that day, Christians will be resurrected and glorified by God, clothed in a spiritual body that radiates the divine light. Still, deification begins in the here and now, in the daily lives of ordinary Christians. All Christians are called to follow Gods commandments, and as long as they try to do so, however weak their efforts may be, or however often they may fail, they become in some way deified. Deification begins in repentance, and is nurtured through the normal routines of the C hristian life. To become deified, the Christian should go to church, regularly participate in the sacraments, pray to God with honesty and great sincerity, read the Gospels, and follow the commandments. The most important commandments are love of God and neighbor. To love God is to live in and for others, which is why some of the greatest of the Eastern Orthodox saints are remembered for their service to others, such as St. Basil of Caesarea (c. 330-379) caring for the sick, or St. John the Almsgiver (d. 619) caring for the poor. Sincere dedication to following the commandments and living life within the church bears with it the promise of redemption fulfilled in the resurrection of a radiant body and soul. But Christians may look forward to even more than this. The Bible speaks of a new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21:1) and of the hope that the creation itself will be redeemed (Romans 8:22). In these scriptures, Eastern Orthodoxy sees the promise of a cosmic redemption, in which all of material creation is transfigured. This belief in the redemption as deification rests in the Orthodox interpretation of the doctrine of the Incarnation. By choosing to become human, God became flesh and blood, thereby sanctifying material as well as immaterial creation. Because of this, all of material creation can look forward to its ultimate redemption, in which pain, death, and suffering will cease, along with hostility and enmity, and all of creation will be transfigured. The first fruits of this promise can already be seen as fulfilled in the divine power that works through the holy relics, in the divine presence in the icons, and in the radiant transfigured faces of the hesychasts. V. Worship The life of an Orthodox Christian can be seen as being composed of five cycles. First of all, there is the cycle of life, which embraces the whole life of a man from birth to death, and which consists in liturgical actions which are not repeated, occurring only once in a person’s lifetime. There are Holy Baptism, Holy Chrismation (equivalent to Confirmation in the West) and the Burial Service. In addition, there also belongs in this great cycle the Sacraments or Sacramental Blessings which bestow special grace for a particular office or vocation with the community. These are Holy Matrimony, the Monastic Tonsure and Holy Orders. Another major cycle which involves the entire life of an Orthodox Christian is the daily cycle of prayers and praises offered by the Church, once every twenty-four hours. These services express our remembrance of events which happened at certain hours and contain petitions relevant to these memories. In antiquity the day was considered to begin at sunset and divided according to the following order. Night began at 6 p.m. and was divided into four parts called watches, which means the time of changing guards: Evening (6 p.m. to 9 p.m.), Midnight (9 p.m. to 12 midnight), Cock-crow (12 midnight to 3 a.m.), and Morning (3 a.m. to 6 a.m.). Day began at 6 a.m. and was too divided into four watches (or hours): First Hour (6 a.m. to 9 a.m.), Third Hour (9 a.m. to 12 noon), Sixth Hour (12 noon to 0 3 p.m.), and Ninth Hour (3 p.m. to 6 p.m.).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Macbeth:Concious Villain To Unrepentant Tyrant Essay -- essays researc

Macbeth: Conscious Villain to Unrepentant Tyrant Thesis: To trace the degradation of Macbeth from a hero to a conscious villain to an unrepentant tyrant. I. Macbeth as a Hero. A. Admired warrior B. Duncan's Admiration II. Macbeth as a Conscious Villain A. First tidings of villainy B. Murder of Duncan C. Guilt-Ridden Soliquoy III. Macbeth as a non-repentant Tyrant A. Murder of Macduff's family B. Selfish thoughts of sleep C. Feelings of Invincibility Macbeth, like most tragedies tells the fall of the protagonist from grace. Macbeth, originally a hero, degrades into a conscious villain who feels guilt and then into an unmerciful, non-repentant tyrant. A man once heralded as a hero becomes the bane of the land and his people. At the start of Macbeth we are introduced to him and it is implied that he is a great warrior and a great man. He is the hero of the recent battle and is the subject of rewards from King Duncan. In fact one critic describes him as "A great warrior, somewhat masterful, rough, and abrupt, a man to inspire some fear and much admiration. There was in fact, much good in him †¦ certainly he was far from devoid of humanity and pity."(Bradley "Macbeth") This paints the picture of an admired, somewhat inpersonable hero who was admired for his bravery and courage. In fact even Duncan, his later victim, admired him. Duncan gives him another kingdom and appoints him the Thane of Cawdor. The captain says of Macbeth to Duncan that: For brave Macbeth - well he deserves that name -- Disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel, which smoked with bloody execution, Like valor's minion carved out his passage Till he faced the slave; Which nev'r shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, Till he unseamed him from the nave to th' chops (I, ii, 16-24) These are the words of a man who admires Macbeth, and at this point rightly so. This is the heroic Macbeth of whom we are speaking. Unfortunately Macbeth soon begins his down fall and becomes a conscious villain. Macbeth degradation to a conscious villain begins with his first tidings of villainy. These tidings begin when Macbeth hears that the Duncan's son is the next in line for kingship. Macbeth says of this: The Prince of Cumberland... ...all concerns: to get a good night's rest."(Scott ?#) He has no feelings for others but envy, "He envies the murdered Duncan in his rest."(Scott ?#) At this point after all his actions his main want is rest. Truly he has become an unfeeling tyrant. The tragedy of Macbeth has a common plot, that of a hero losing his heroism. Macbeth once the admired warrior soon becomes the hated tyrant of Scotland. Through key points in the play you can trace this devastating downfall. From Hero to Unfeeling tyrant, that is the tragedy of Macbeth. Consulted Bibliography Andrews, F. John, ed. William Shakespeare: His Work, II. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1985 Bradley, AC "The Character of Macbeth." England in Literature. Ed. James E. Miller Jr., et. al. Illinois: Scott Foresman and Co., 1973. Scott, Mark, ed. Shakespeare for Students. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1992 Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth, The British Tradition. Eds. Ellen Bowler, et. al. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Governor General in Canada

Overview My research paper will discuss the proposal of institutional reform concerning the function of Governor General. Canada is a constitutional monarchy and the role of the Governor General is to represent Canada as a whole in replace of the Crown or the Queen. Since Canada has no longer any real ties with the British Sovereignty in terms of government rules many would argue if the role of the Governor General has any significance to being an important political actor in Canada’s Constitution.To begin this paper, I will discuss a brief overview on what the role of a Governor General is, their formal powers and executive powers, dignified and efficient. My research paper will then emphasize on an institutional reform in regards to the function of the Governor General, it will discuss why Canada does not need a representation of the Crown any longer since the Governor General’s actions are mainly symbolic, therefore meaning that the new reform would have no Governor General appointed royally but instead an elected officer.The next argument in the development of the research will discuss the arguments against this institutional reform and why the Governor General’s role is still significant in Canada and why this political actor should still be a part of the Canadian Constitution, since in fact it is part of Canadian history and politics. And then lastly on the development is what my personal opinion is on the matter of having an institution reform or not and then finally finishing off with the conclusion of my paper. Bibliography 1. Desserud, Donald (2006). The Confidence Convention under the Canadian Parliamentary System.Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Study of Parliament Group. This article discusses one of the efficient powers of the governor general, dissolving of parliament. The governor general takes advice from the prime minister, when the prime minister might be in a situation where the House of Commons throws a non-confidence vote, an d through some motivation behind it the prime minister would then ask permission of the Governor General, who has the power to dissolve parliament, especially when there is a minority government and this book will discuss a few examples of it.This source is useful because it can help us understand why the Governor General’s role shares relevance. 2. Hicks, B. (2009). Guiding the Governor General's Prerogatives: Constitutional Convention Versus an Apolitical Decision Rule. Constitutional Forum, 18(2), 55-67. This article talks about the conventional powers the Governor General has and how it has always been around and a part of Canadian politics.Some scholars disagree with these constitutional conventions and how it should be more democratic, such as an elected official who understands more about the politics of Canada and not just representing the country. This article can be favourable to the argument of having an institutional reform. 3. Hicks, B. M. (2010). The Crown's â⠂¬Å"Democratic† Reserve Powers. Journal Of Canadian Studies, 44(2), 5-31. This journal is about Canada’s responsible government and how the powers of the Governor General can be somewhat misused because of Parliament keeping limits on some powers.Since Canada has been free from British Sovereignty, the Governor General holds more importance in guiding the prime minister but then again since the Governor General’s powers are more dignified rather than efficient, he or she is advised by the prime minister and sometimes these decisions go in favour for the prime minister and this may not always be fair. This journal can go in favour of the argument to have an institutional reform, because the powers of the Governor General may only be helping out the prime minister and may not be so democratic. 4. Messamore, B. J. (2005). The line over which he must not pass': Defining the Office of Governor General, 1878. Canadian Historical Review, 86(3), 453-483. This press revie w goes back all the way to the 19th century, when the formation of the Canadian Constitution first began; it talks about the British Sovereignty’s representation that which is the Governor General. This reference can be helpful to this research paper because it gives the history of the Governor General and how this role of a political actor first started which can be relevant in the introduction of the paper and can give an overview of this significant actor. . Smith, David (1995). The Invisible Crown: The First Principle of Canadian Government. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press. This book discusses how the Crown, the Governor General, has contributed a great amount to Canada and its parliamentary government. This book talks about the significance of the Governor General and how its functions have changed Canadian politics for the better in terms of social, geographic and economic conditions. This reference will be useful towards the research paper when he argumen t is opposed to an institutional reform. 6. W. , D. D. (2009). Jean, Michaelle. Current Biography, 70(6), 36-42. This biography is about Michaelle Jean, Canada’s current Governor General. This reference can be useful for the research paper because it can give a certain insight on the life of a Governor General, their accomplishments and what gives them the factor of becoming a Governor General which is a pretty important role in Canada’s Constitution.This biography can favour the argument of not having an institutional reform because it can give a better understanding that not just anyone can become Governor General and that they can represent and shape Canada as a country for the better. 7. Wheeldon, J. (2011). Actors, Targets, and Guardians: Using Routine Activities Theory to Explore the 2008 Decision to Prorogue Parliament In Canada. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 36(1), 59-93.This article discusses the 2008 prorogation request by Stephen Harper to Michaelle Jean wh ich was highly criticized by many who thought she should have not accepted the request. This article holds significance because it can show how the Governor General’s role may not be as significant because their role may not be helpful to the government an may be more in favour to the prime minister but not towards the good of the Canadian parliament and therefore to the good of the Canadian citizens. Function of Governor General: The Idea of an Institutional Reform Priya Patel 6587402

Saturday, November 9, 2019

What Are the Main Causes of Food Insecurity in the World Today?

What are the main causes of food insecurity in the world today? Outline and evaluate 2 or 3 possible solutions to food insecurity problems Currently, millions of people across the globe suffer from under-nutrition and hunger. In 2007, the UN (United Nations) estimated that there are approximately 850 million people who suffer undernourishment in the world today. It also reported that 799 million undernourished people live in developing countries, most of which are on the African and Asian continents. Reportedly, the major contribution to this international issue has been food insecurity (FAO, 2008, p. 8). It affects people ranging from individual to national level with various causes, particularly neglect of agriculture and natural disaster in developing countries (FAO, 2005, no page given). This essay will identify two main causes of food insecurity which have been said above and also it will outline and evaluate two possible solutions to food insecurity problems: improving agriculture and humanitarian aid system. It is necessary to define the meaning of food security before its causes can be considered. Commonly, the concept of food insecurity is the state of being unable to have both physical and economic access to enough and nutritious food (WHO, 2008). Socially, people who are in this state often cannot maintain household food supplies and suffer from under nutrition (FAO, 2005). This situation prevails when nations lack sustainable access to sufficient, safe and, nutritious food for productive and health living (WHO, 2008). According to an on-line journal by Getachew (2008, no page given), neglect of agriculture has been ascribed as the major cause of food insecurity from short-term shocks. Other search illustrates that natural disasters can have significant impacts on food security from long-term shocks (FAO, 2005). Millions of people around the world are affected on food insecurity by various issues especially downgrading agriculture and natural disaster. Having outlined the definition of food security, it is now possible to consider the main causes of food insecurity. There are various factors that contribute to food insecurity in different parts of the world. First, neglect of agriculture especially in developing countries is such a key ause of chronic food insecurity (Makoni, 2010, no page given). According to Khasnobis (2009, p230), the amount of foreign aid allocated to agricultural activities has decreased from 19 per cent in 1980 to 4. 5 per cent in 2009. Nevertheless, only a few governments have attained the 2003 Maputo Declaration which required every nation to allocate 10 per cent of its budget to agriculture. It can be said that this has consequently led to poor infrastructure, along with poor food-storage facilities, which risk such nations in suffering food shortage in case of crop failure. Indeed, food insecurity is likely to be greater in areas with lower agricultural knowledge (USDA, 2010, no page given). According to an on-line article by Makoni (2010, no page given), 80 percent of population in Africa depend on agriculture and people become more poor because of low productivity and consequently, 30 percent suffer from hunger daily. Therefore, it could be argued that this evidence illustrates that chronic neglect of agriculture can lead to low productivity, poverty, and eventually chronic food insecurity. Secondly, natural disasters can be considered as another major cause of food insecurity. According to an on-line article in FAO (2008, no page given), in the past two decades, the number of sudden onset natural disasters including floods, hurricanes and earthquakes has increased dramatically from 14 per cent in the 1980s to 27 per cent since 2000. In the result of this, the number of food insecurity has increased sharply during the same period (FAO, 2008, no page given). Food security is affected by natural disasters through its impact on local and national food systems. Recently, the impact of natural disasters has created a fall in agricultural product prices and therefore this current price led to inconvenient conditions for farmers in developing countries (FAO, 2002, no page given). Under the circumstance, producers use less money for improvements on the nature of farming land such as fertilizers and manure which are normally not affordable by poor farmers (FAO, 2002, no page given). Thus it causes a bad effect on food production in developing countries and eventually food insecurity. Moreover, when natural disasters occur, poor households suffer great economic losses, resulting in deepening their poverty further. These losses can trap them in food insecurity. As a result, it seems that natural disasters are one of the causes of food insecurity. Now, the remainder of this essay will discuss solutions for the two causes of food insecurity which have been argued above. In order to solve food insecurity problems, improving agriculture can be one of the solutions. International donors and the government in developing countries had neglected agriculture for a long period and it causes food insecurity. In 2008, the World Bank, in its annual development report, admitted that greater investment in agriculture is needed to solve food insecurity problems (Makoni, 2010, no page given). Investment in agriculture can make the governments to ensure that farm materials and equipment are available to farmers at fair prices. Moreover, government is also able to ensure that farmers in the rural areas have easy and convenient access to the necessary farming requirements (FAO, 2008, no page given). This can be achieved by setting up stores for supplying these materials and equipment in every region at strategic places (Khasnobis, 2009, p231). Thus, it can be said that improving agriculture including investment for the availability of materials and equipment can allow people to record high productivity and it leads to solve food insecurity problems. However, it requires an enormous amount of investment in these materials and equipment and so it is not a constructive solution if the developing countries assets are in a bad shape. Furthermore, it is essential to address that climate change problems still affect on agriculture improvement in developing countries even the governments invest in these materials and equipment. Recently, impact of climate change on food production in developing countries has been increasing and at this rate, its impact will be double by 2060 (FAO, 1996, no page given). This means that it is also necessary to invest in agriculture to increase the resilience of present food production systems due to climate change problems. For example, investment in drip systems and sprinklers enables farmers to produce more food with less water (Postel, 2001, no page given). However, it is a long term solution and a large amount of funds is needed to offer these systems to every farmer. It could be said that investment in agricultural materials and equipment is one of the solutions to solve the food insecurity problems, and it should be concerned that investment to improve the food production systems is also needed because of climatic changes. However, a large amount of funds and time is needed for these solutions so, it can be said that these solutions are not so practical for food insecurity problems. Secondly, improving humanitarian aid system for natural disasters can be another solution for food insecurity due to the fact that natural disasters cause food insecurity. When natural disasters happen in developing countries, it causes the direct physical damages on crops and the indirect impacts especially, loss of potential production due to deteriorated the nature of farming land, and increased productions cost (UN, 2008). Thus, when natural disasters especially sudden onset disasters happen, the immediate humanitarian aid, particularly medical support, relief supplies and food aid for disaster refugees is needed as it causes food insecurity eventually. According to an on-line article in Oxfam International (2009, no page given), the number of people affected by national disasters will increase by 54 per cent to 375 million people in the next five years. However, the aid response is fickle, too little and not good enough. One of the reasons for this is political preferences make aid unfair (Oxfam, 2009, no page given). For example, in 2004, while an average of only $23 was spent for each victim of the crisis in Chad, an average of $1,241 was spent per person affected by the Asian tsunami (Oxfam, 2009, no page given). Therefore, it is essential to improve the immediate aid system promptly without political preferences so that it is possible to prevent the agricultural damages from spreading. As it is mentioned earlier, backward aid for natural disasters is important to prevent agricultural damages. Moreover, proactive aid is also needed to prepare for disasters to decrease the damage from it (Oxfam, 2009, no page given). Investment for researching data on past natural disasters can be one of the examples. It is an effective but not easy solution without the help of national governments. The United Nations should propose some ideas for improvement of proactive aid. It is a solution with long-term effects which reduce the impact of natural disasters and mitigate food insecurity. Food insecurity is highly dependent on agricultural production and is caused by natural disasters. Therefore, both an immediate aid and a proactive aid for disasters are needed to solve food insecurity problems. It is necessary that national governments help to improve these aid systems. In conclusion, this essay has identified that neglect of agriculture and natural disaster are the main causes of food insecurity today. Both of these causes lead to great economic losses, poverty and eventually food insecurity in developing countries. These causes are not directly related to food insecurity. However, they indirectly cause the major people’s food insecurity problems. In order to solve food insecurity problems, improving agriculture by investing for agricultural materials and present food production systems could be one of the major solutions. Another solution for food insecurity is improving immediate and proactive aid systems. Thus, it could be argued that both long-term and short-term solutions are needed for food insecurity problems.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Healing Hospital Essays

Healing Hospital Essays Healing Hospital Essay Healing Hospital Essay Healing hospital paradigm is centered on the removal of stress and other health risks for the patients and their families in the hospital environment. Healing hospital paradigm is important because treating a patient’s illness is not the only intrinsic component when they are admitted to the hospital. A good example for this is stress. Stress can be brought about due to many things when a patient is in the hospital, for example painful treatments, financial problems due to being admitted, loss of social life etc. Reducing these sort of stressors may ensure that the patient’s wellbeing is being maintained and the comprehensive care Minimization of these stressors ensures that the patient’s well-being is maintained while the comprehensive care part of the treatment makes certain that the patient’s recovery process is done without breaking confidentiality. The healing hospital paradigm can also be looked as healing the whole patient rather than just curing the ailment (Young Koopsen, 2006). According to Dr. Milstein, paradigm doesn’t only focus on healing the physical body but â€Å"it aims to enhance the overall well being by addressing the patient’s and their families’ cognitive, emotional and spiritual concerns† (Milstein, 2005). This paper will describe healing hospital paradigm, its impact on the process of care giving and its components expanding on it relationship with spirituality. Components of Healing Hospital Based on the paradigm of healing hospital, Caring for a patient is not limited to only medical interventions and medication but it also includes how the healthcare provider engages the patients and their families to the process of treatment. This theory is based on the notion that both spiritual and emotional wellbeing applies to physical wellbeing. The healing hospital comprise of three major components. The first component is the culture of radical loving care. This may include the kind of care the patient receives and the type of conditions he/she is exposed to in the hospital. This component focuses on making the patient comfortable and preparing the patient psychologically for the treatment they would receive. Caregivers most have compassion to meet the spiritual and emotional needs of a patient and not only their physical needs. They most be able to demonstrate loving care and show the patients that they are willing to go the extra mile for them. Being compassionate and showing love can help reduce the stress for the patients and their families, healthcare provides bring hope. The next component is the healing physical environment. The physical environment in which a patient is being treated is also very crucial in the treatment process (Samueli, 2010). Hospitals should be free of stressful disturbances for the patient and their families. This kind of disturbances may include dull settings, noise and disorganization. A good healing physical environment must be well organized and constructed. Evidence has shown that rest is an important part of a patient’s healing process, but many hospitals are noisy with pagers beeping here and there and lots of people talking along the hallways. A good healing physical environment should address these kinds of challenges. Other things such as lighting and temperature must be well regulated to keep the patient as comfortable as possible. The final component of healing hospital is the integration of technology with work design. Technology is intertwined into the healthcare field to help the healthcare team help their patients recover in a good environment. Technology allows the staff members to work efficiently and to work in a manner that maximizes the comfort of the patients. In a good healing environment, patients get more sleep which helps with their healing. Staff members are giving technological equipments such as cordless phones, vibrating pagers and dynamaps for blood pressure, and they are educated to use them efficiently to promote healing in a noise-free environment. These technological advancements help to create stress-free environment for the patients and helps reduce medical errors. The healing hospitals also use technology to provide satisfaction, security, decreased cost and privacy for the patients and their families. These are crucial in the psychological needs of the patient. Challenges of Creating a Healing Environment There are various challenges involved in implementing a good healing hospital environment. First and foremost, the advancement of technology (e. g. more tubes and more wires) has complicated healthcare and is dominating in that healthcare providers are forgetting the original essentials of healing such as the compassion and the loving care. If the balance between technology and compassion can bee implemented, the results of patient satisfaction will increase. Another challenge with technology advancement also focuses on the profits rather the compassionate care of the patient. The next challenge is that there are a lot of similarities between prisons and hospitals. Patients’ clothing’s are replaced by gowns, their names with barcodes and identification numbers, there is no longer any intimacy and they share their living space with strangers. Even restriction in visiting hours can make an individual feel like a prisoner. This is all due to that fact that healthcare providers are suppose to their tasks with robotic precision. According to Chapman, the hospital system is a â€Å"bureaucracy† and it is â€Å"an organization that acts as machines and are difficult to work with† (Chapman, 2010). Another challenge is that some healthcare providers or even family members and patients could be cynics. Cynicism is damaging to the care of patients. Healthcare providers should not be skeptic to the fact that love is a vital part of a patient’s recovery. Finally, leadership is an important aspect of healing hospital paradigm. The leaders in a healthcare setting have the responsibility to make sure love and compassion is at the top of the list in their plan to care for a patient. Biblical Passage that Supports the Concept of Healing Hospital In psalm 107 verses 17-22, the message version, David wrote â€Å"then you called out to God in you desperate condition; he got you out in the nick of time†. Here he describes how God heals the sick when they call on him. The sick in this passage have faith and are not cynics or skeptics which is and important part of healing. David explained the reality, living a bad life could get you sick and having faith that you would get better can heal you. It’s all about the positivity. David went on saying â€Å"So thank God for his marvelous love, for his miracle mercy to the children he loves†. This goes on to show that God’s love brings healing. This passage supports the paradigm of healing hospital because it has to do with healing the overall person and God does that too. The healing hospital is gaining more popularity now because there are a lot of benefits to it. This care system helps to enhance the overall wellbeing of the patient and their relatives and not only their physical body. This paradigm focuses on compassionate care that helps patient with stress and coping mechanisms through spirituality. This will help the community at large and bring it solace and hope. References Chapman, E. (2010). Radical loving care: building the healing hospital in America. Nashville, TN: Vaughn Printing. Milstein, J. (2005). A paradigm of integrative care: healing with curing throughout life, â€Å"being with† and â€Å"doing to†. Journal of Perinatology, 25, 563-568. doi: 10. 1038/sj. jp. 7211358 Samueli Institute (2010). Optimal Healing Environments. February 12, 2013. Retrieved from siib. org/news/280-SIIB/version/default/part/AttachmentData/data/OHE_final. pdf Young, C. , Koopsen, C. (2006). Spirituality, health, and healing (1 ed. ). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

UN Human Development Index (HDI)

UN Human Development Index (HDI) The Human Development Index (commonly abbreviated HDI) is a summary of human development around the world and implies whether a country is developed, still developing, or underdeveloped based on factors such as life expectancy, education, literacy, gross domestic product per capita. The results of the HDI are published in the Human Development Report, which is commissioned by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and is written by scholars, those who study world development and members of the Human Development Report Office of the UNDP. According to the UNDP, human development is â€Å"about creating an environment in which people can develop their full potential and lead productive, creative lives in accord with their needs and interests. People are the real wealth of nations. Development is thus about expanding the choices people have to lead lives that they value.† Human Development Index Background The main motivation for the Human Development Report itself was a focus on only real income per capita as the basis for a country’s development and prosperity. The UNDP claimed that economic prosperity as shown with real income per capita was not the only factor in measuring human development because these numbers do not necessarily mean a country’s people as a whole are better off. Thus, the first Human Development Report used the HDI and examined such concepts as health and life expectancy, education, and work and leisure time. The Human Development Index Today The second dimension measured in the HDI is a country’s overall knowledge level as measured by the adult literacy rate combined with the gross enrollment ratios of students in primary school through the university level. The third and final dimension in the HDI is a country’s standard of living. Those with higher standards of living rank higher than those with lower standards of living. This dimension is measured with the gross domestic product per capita in purchasing power parity terms, based on United States dollars. In order to accurately calculate each of these dimensions for the HDI, a separate index is calculated for each of them based on the raw data gathered during studies. The raw data is then put into a formula with minimum and maximum values to create an index. The HDI for each country is then calculated as an average of the three indices which include the life expectancy index, the gross enrollment index, and the gross domestic product. 2011 Human Development Report 2011 Human Development report 1) Norway2) Australia3) United States4) Netherlands5) Germany The category of â€Å"Very High Human Development includes places like Bahrain, Israel, Estonia, and Poland. Countries with â€Å"High Human Development† are next and include Armenia, the Ukraine, and Azerbaijan. There is a category called Medium Human Development which includes Jordan, Honduras, and South Africa. Finally, countries with â€Å"Low Human Development† include such places as Togo, Malawi, and Benin. Criticisms of the Human Development Index Despite these criticisms, the HDI continues to be used today and is important because it consistently draws the attention of governments, corporations, and international organizations to portions of development which focus on aspects other than income like health and education. To learn more about the Human Development Index, visit the United Nations Development Program website.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Wal-Mart v. Dukes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wal-Mart v. Dukes - Research Paper Example The case passed through the district court, ninth Circuit, ninth Circuit en banc and finally to the US Supreme Court in which the Supreme Court reversed the decision of the ninth Circuit en banc on numerous grounds which attracts vehement support on my part. 1. Arguments in favor of the Supreme Court decision There are numerous reasons for the correctness of the decision of the Supreme Court, which may be found on the judgment itself as passed by the Supreme Court, and summed up as follows: I) There must be a common mode of exercising discretion which should be present throughout the company and the respondents in this case were unable to show it. It was unbelievable to conclude by the justices that all the managers would exercise discretion in a common way without any common direction. (Wal Mart 15-16). II) The statistical evidence which was provided by the respondents was insufficient to prove their theory on a class wide basis even if it is taken that they were correct prima facie (Wal Mart 16). III) As per Rule 23(a) (2), it was to find out whether even a single common question existed between the class in order to determine commonality for a class action and found by the court that as the respondents could not provide any convincing evidence to show that a companywide discriminatory and promotion policy existed, the existence of any common question is not established (Wal Mart 19). IV) The respondents also provided anecdotal evidence in support. Respondents submitted about 120 affidavits, which is equivalent to 1 for every 12,500 members in this case. Half of the reports are concentrated only on six states and half of all the States have only one or two cases of sexual discrimination. 14 States have no anecdotes. Even if all the accounts are taken to be true it does not show that the whole company operates under a common policy of discrimination (Wal Mart 18). V) If the plea for monetary relief of the respondent under Rule 23 (b)(2) Civil Procedure is take n into consideration ,it was not correct as Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(b)(2) is for injunctive or declaratory relief and not for monetary relief (Wal Mart 20). VI) Commonality requires more than an alleged common violation of the same law (Hyman). The mere claim that they have suffered a Title VII injury won’t be enough to give rise to class action; they must have some common contention in addition (Wal Mart 9). As such the respondent’s action under Rule 23 was not proper. 2) Impact of the decision on future cases Despite the legal accuracy and justification of the Supreme Court decision the decision may have some bad impact so far future cases on the same issue are concerned. The impact may be summed up as follows: I) The court’s decision of reversing the case can harm the enforcement of civil rights and employment discrimination laws. The Supreme Court’s decision of decertifying the Dukes class action may make it hard for other plaintiffs to bri ng class actions depending on the court’s reasoning (Wal Mart v. Dukes 10). II) The fact is that in the instant case the Supreme did not rule on merits of the plaintiffs claims and this may be the reason that Wal Mart may face thousands of individual or multiple-plaintiff lawsuits alleging that a particular manager had discriminated against women (Murray 2). III) It will be difficult for the plaintiffs to obtain class certification in all cases. After the decision on this case, it